• IT that grows your business

IBM i / AS400 / iSeries – Replacements & Upgrades

IBM launched the AS/400 back in 1988.

Fast forward three decades and many businesses are still very much invested in developing and maintaining their IBM i.

IBM i technology is still favoured by many different industries around the globe. The fact that since its launch – in 1988, there have been many features and updates introduced has certainly helped to keep their users invested in the operating system. 

The most recent version, IBM i 7.5 was released in October 2022. Its power, speed, reliability and security capabilities as well as the fact that (with a skilled development team) software that is run on it is also highly customisable, IBM has proved that its operating system is here to stay. 

Whether you would prefer an on-premise IBM i upgrade, or IBM i in the cloud – our team are experienced with implementing both options and so are well-placed to assist with your decision-making process. 

IBM i System Upgrades

Upgrading means fewer problems with hardware and software compatibility and of course the older the system, the greater the risk of outage and failure.

Operating systems that are no longer supported by IBM are not SOX compliant.

We manage machine upgrades completely – ensuring a smooth transition and minimal disruption to our customers (and subsequently, their customers).

The benefits will be seen straight away as newer systems are significantly faster, more efficient, and so cost less to both power and cool – making it better for the environment too!

Looking to Upgrade Your IBM i?

If your in-house development team are too busy with the day-to-day running of the business to embark on an upgrade project, or you don’t have an in-house team, we can help.

KFA manage upgrade projects, including the transition and data migration.

We ensure that the switch over to the new server is carried out at a time which will cause minimal disruption to the day-to-day running of your business and more importantly – your customers.

We also offer the skills to provide application development, application modernisation and ongoing support should you wish to put searching for qualified IBM i (AS400) staff behind you!

upgrade - IBM i / AS400 / iSeries - Replacements & Upgrades

Case Studies

Take a look at how we recently helped two of our customers upgrade their IBM i.

Application Modernisation

Looking to modernise your most critical applications or build new innovative solutions?

Our Application Modernisation white paper highlights how out-of-date applications can be inflexible, difficult to change and costly to maintain – but critical to your business.

Find out how we can provide a modern user interface for your business applications to help maintain staff satisfaction and productivity today!

Get in touch

Want to learn more about how we can help with your IBM i requirements?

Get in touch with our team today.white arrow small - IBM i / AS400 / iSeries - Replacements & Upgrades

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